
Gianfranco Zappettini

18 October 2014 - 18 December 2014
Via Alessandro Manzoni, 51- La Spezia

Menhir Arte Contemporanea gallery is pleased to present, Monos, a personal exhibition by the artist Gianfranco Zappettini curated by Alberto Zanchetta, which will open on Saturday 18 October at 18.30 in the exhibition venue in via A. Manzoni 51 in La Spezia.


The exhibition focuses attention on the production of the 70s: twenty works on the theme of white, intended as a primary condition, of zeroing, which belongs to what was definitive Analytical Painting and to which the master is part. In addition to the historical works, a selection of more recent works that reflect the theme started forty years earlier will also be exhibited. At the turn of the sixties and seventies Gianfranco Zappettini proved to be refractory to strong and lively hues, indeed he came to formalize a diaphanous light spectrum; an autogenous white that makes itself bearer of unspoken messages (it is as if the austerity of the colorlessness suddenly became assertive).

Zappettini, in fact, was among the first to understand that we cannot limit ourselves to enunciating the language of painting, an awareness that led him to highlight the very act of painting. For the artist, the surface must still be uncontaminated, autonomous: not a simple surface investigation but an internal investigation, as demonstrated by the numerous layers of these paintings.


Thanks to a palette that has reached a radical degré zéro and to a painting dedicated to the minimum terms, the artist strives to make colorless possible.


Gianfranco Zappettini